Sunday, November 16, 2008

Open Letter to Motrin...

I am writing with concern to the Mom-alogue feature on your main page. My concern is the message that this ad sends to moms, future moms, and the rest of society. Keeping a baby close to the mother is NOT a fashion accessory comparable to small dogs in purses or oversized sunglasses. Carrying a baby is a traditional form of bonding used in countries throughout the world for centuries. Many mothers find no other method comparable for calming an ill child than to keep her close. 

Baby wearing is a natural part of the nurturing process. As a mother and a consumer, I am extremely disappointed in the cavalier attitude toward mothers and their chosen methods of childrearing taken by Motrin. While I appreciate the concern for my pain I believe there is a more effective way to express this concern and retain my business. 

In our tenuous economic climate I would hope that your company would be working very hard to ensure the strength of your customer base. My voice is one of many and it is my sincere hope that you listen closely and remove this highly offensive ad. 


Threeundertwo said...

I would add my own signature to this letter. Motrin, you blew it. I loved carrying my babies in a sling. I don't need to buy Motrin any more.

Cat Herself said...

Looks like a lot of women complained!

Anonymous said...

Clearly that ad was made up by someone only interested in making money (probably a man). I carried all my babies in a baby carrier. They are wonderful! My children are all very secure. I am currently carrying my baby in a sling. When she gets fussy, I put her in my sling & she falls asleep in less than a minute. Infants need to be held to feel secure and loved. Contrary to popular opinion, holding a child does not make it spoiled. Using a carrier enables a person to still get things done while holding their child. It is quite comfortable as well. I agree, it is not a new concept. People have been carrying babies on their bodies since the beginning of time. The ad is very anti-mom, anti-child carrying.